"An inspiring chronicle of grim determination in a grim new world following 9/11, a narrative of one survivor's personal—and ultimately transformative—escape from the gravity of Ground Zero."
—V.E. Wells

Announcing the publication of an important new book:
This compelling historical narrative presents a first-hand account of what it was like to experience September 11, 2001 from the closest residential structure to the World Trade Center—and what it took to reclaim that home from the toxic dust and debris that rendered it uninhabitable for the following 17 months.

Written with the insight and sensitivity of an artist and poet, those struggles are presented in a lively, humanistic style. Through it, we learn not only what it means to reclaim one's home, but to reinvent one's life—beyond the gravity of Ground Zero.

Includes 25 previously unpublished black & white photographs.

(although you probably won't find THIS in bookstores for months!
Be the first to read this amazing account.)
Read some excerpts

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

© 2005 by Michael Cook/ Feverdream Productions.
123 pages; paperback
available NOW through
Lulu Press,
for a mere $8.88

Ground Zero Gravity, by Michael Cook